Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Jacob's parents and the Pozzi's were planning a trip to Orlando to visit the Bryant's. (Jacob's sisters and their families, I know it's a lot!) So when we found a great deal on flights we couldn't resist flying down and seeing everyone too!
Hanging out with Haley at Universal.
Harry Potter!! I was so excited to see it all!
I love Sophia!

It was amazing seeing all of our family that we normally only see once a year. It was a short trip, but so worth it.

Excuses, Excuses

I can't believe my last blog post was in November...well I kind of can. It has been a CRAZY few months for us. We closed on our house 2 days before Christmas, moved in, I got my real estate license and started a new job, I transferred to ODU and started what I hope will be the last step to get my degree, Emily came to visit, Jacob's mom came to visit, and we went to Orlando!

Like I said, crazy.

The first thing I put in my new house was a Christmas tree.

All I have so far are pictures of my empty kitchen on the day we moved in. Cherie did an amazing paint job on my downstairs bathroom and I will get pictures of the rest of the house asap. Sorry I am slacking on that!

I love it! Living in our very own house has made Virginia feel a lot more like "home". Hopefully we'll be closer to family someday, but for now I wouldn't trade our house for anything!