I feel like my classes are going much better
I'm smiling =]
I Zumba-ed!
I got my job and I start next week
Conference is this weekend and I'm GOING! I love Utah!
I go to Washington in less than two weeks! I can't wait to see Jake!
I did my laundry and didn't shrink or discolor ANYTHING
I'm cleaning my room and I lit my candle.
I'm eating healthy foods
I finished traffic school! Goodbye Ticket!
I looked at a super cute wedding magazine
It's just such a great day. And I talked to my mom and she was making brisket! I so wish I could be having some of that right now! I was thinking about how weird it will be to not live near my mom when I get married. It makes me kind of sad, even though I am so excited to go out and see the world and experience new things, but I'm going to miss her a lot. Of course I'll miss my whole family, but there's just something about moms...and I have one of the BEST moms ever. Every single one of my friends loves my mom and I can't believe it's taken me 19 years to truly realize how blessed I am! If I can be half the woman she is then I think I will be doing pretty darn good!
Every Monday should make me feel as good as this one!