Tuesday, September 15, 2009

we're engaged!

I'm engaged! Oh my goodness I cannot believe this is all happening, but I am SO excited. I love Jacob so much and I'm so happy I get to be with him forever! Here's how it happened...

Jacob took me out for lunch on Friday and after lunch we went out to a beautiful little place called Clark Lake. We walked around for a bit, and if you know me at all you know how much I love pictures. So, I kept setting up my camera on random logs and fences and used the self timer to take some pictures of us together. After a little white Jake needed to get back for football practice, but on the way out he said we should take one more picture. So I started to set up the camera on a little stump, and told Jacob he needed to crouch down because he was too tall for the frame. When I turned around he was on one knee! I didn't think much of it, and walked over to stand by him and turned my attention to the camera, and the picture took just as he was reaching into his pocket! Then he opened the ring box and asked me to marry him! It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen! At first I thought he was joking...but he wasn't and of course I said yes!
Here's Jacob reaching for the ring...and me being completely oblivious!

my beautiful ring!

As of right now, we're planning the wedding for Augustish, we're waiting for Jacob to finish boot camp and diving school first!

The rest of the weekend was amazing too, on Saturday Jacob took me to the Puyallup Fair. I have never been to a fair before and this one was so cool! They had everything you could imagine. Jacob ate a LOT of fair food...and I tried to keep up. Very unsuccessfully I might add. On Saturday night, Jacob's parents took us out for dinner and his mom brought me a bunch of new bride magazines! It was so sweet and I can't wait to go through all of them! On Sunday Jacob and I just hung out, but on Sunday night we got engagement slurpees and Jacob made us pizza and we had a candlelit date night in his kitchen. It was so much fun, and so sweet! We also got "How well do you know your bride/groom" books and played with those.

Monday morning we made cookies together and then went over to the navy office so Jacob could sign a new contract, they moved his ship date up to November 5th! Exciting! Then w went to Haley's house. Speaking of Haley, I can't wait to get older sisters! That will be so awesome! Jacob dropped me off there and said goodbye and went off to coach his team (They had a game and they won 28-8!) I was really sad to leave Washington, but hopefully I'll get to go back once more with my mom before Jacob leaves for bootcamp!

Coming home from vacation is always sooo hard! I feel like I miss so much! Even though I really didn't! Luckily my amazing roomie and blog compadre Amanda made the transition back into Apt 216 super easy with a sweet bed decoration and note. And cookies. Have I mentioned I love her?

PS - I think Jacob is going to write a little on here every now and then! Isn't he great?? =]

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